FUTURE PLANS FOR TERMINAT HOST At the present time, TERMINAT HOST will allow up to 99999 File Areas with up to 100,000 files per area and well over 1,000,000 user's! However, there isn't any way for user's to read the message areas (networked FIDO/QWK messages) without using DOORWAY and that opens the system to all user's. Not a real good idea! We currently use The READER to permit reading and replying to selected conferences. Future versions of Terminat's HOST "may" allow user's to read/reply to Sysop defined message areas. Terminate now supports DORINFO1.DEF and DOOR.SYS drop files for Doors and other programs. Items that have been on MY Terminate Wish List that you might see in some future versions of Terminate include; 1. A 2-way Mailer (currently available in Alpha/Beta version) 2. Access to Sysop defined Message Areas for Reading/Replying to messages. Now requires a Online Reader Door which we have setup but with "limited" use. (Much improved in this Alpha/Beta version) 3. Improved Terminate Script Language (TSL) that is in v4.0. (Now available in the Alpha/Beta versions) 4. File "Tagging" for batch downloads. Will make downloading files much easier. (Now in Alpha/Beta versions) 5. Additional "Public" type menu's for easier downloading of popular files. (Also, still on the "wish list"). 6. An improved "CHAT Mode" that isn't dependent upon the remote package having a chat mode available. (Still on the "Wish list"). If YOU have suggestions for making HOST more user friendly, please leave a "Comment to the Sysop" and we will pass it on.